Sabtu, 05 November 2016

1,000 Free Coffee Mug Commemorating the International Coffee Day Food-travel

1,000 Free Coffee Mug Commemorating the International Coffee Day Food-travel
Pekanbaru - Activists coffee consists of coffee shop barista and businessman in the city of Pekanbaru, Riau Province on Sunday (2/10) held themed mengkopikan Pekanbaru by dividing 1,000 cups of free coffee.
This is the first time the activities carried out in Pekanbaru to celebrate the international coffee or international coffee day on October 1, said chairman of the organizing committee Cahya in Pekanbaru, Sunday (2/10).
He said that with the holding of the inaugural activities in Kota Sorcerer's expected to educate the public to get to know better than serving coffee and enjoy it.
Moreover, lately he says stretching the coffee shop in Pekanbaru growth is very significant. He noted there are at least 60 locations in Pekanbaru coffee hang out in September 2016. That number could be much higher because he believes there are other points that have not been observed.
To that end, he said that this activity is important in order to improve communication antarpenggiat and coffee lovers that can be ascertained number of baristas and coffee shop in Pekanbaru.
At the event, he said the public can enjoy a variety of processed coffee is served directly by trained baristas. Even the public can see directly how baristas brew and serve the coffee. Ask questions directly of coffee and its quality, which is also explained Cahya the Barista.
There are a variety of coffee beans that can be enjoyed by people like arabica, java, Toraja, Mandailing to Aceh Gayo, he said.
Nasori / NAS

green coffee bean

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